Tailored Services from Local Solicitors in Bridgwater and Taunton

Established 70 years ago, the team at Ash Clifford pride ourselves on offering quality legal advice along with cost-effective and tailored representation in a range of key legal areas. We strive to use the most up-to-date technology and communications systems to provide our clients with the fast and efficient service they expect. If you're looking for a legal firm that provides clear advice and a straightforward, personal approach, get in touch with our team. Our firm is based in Bridgwater and services Somerset.

This office is closed between 1.00pm and 2.00pm. 

If you wish to drop off documents or paperwork please post through the letterbox to the left-hand side of the main door. 
If you wish to speak to a member of staff please ring the doorbell. If for any reason no member of staff is available to deal with your enquiry please contact the office after 2pm on 01278 451327.

Thank you for your understanding.


Where we hold money on a client’s behalf, in accordance with the SRA Accounts Rules, it is our policy that we will pay the client a sum of money in lieu of interest on a fair and reasonable basis. The terms of our policy are set out and are made available to our clients as part of our Standing Terms of Business at the outset of the retainer.

A sum in lieu of interest will be payable on amounts held in our general client account on the following basis:

  • • the period for which interest will be paid normally runs from the date the funds are received by us cleared in our account until, where paid electronically, the date when the funds are sent or, where paid by cheque, the date(s) on the cheque(s) issued to the client
  • • the rate of interest paid to clients will be in line with our bank’s published interest rates on Client Deposit Accounts over the period when interest is due
  • • all sums that are paid to the client will be paid as a gross amount
  • • we will not account to the client for any sums in lieu of interest in the following situations:
o      on money held for the payment of a professional disbursement if the person to whom the money is owed              has requested a delay in settlement
o      on money held for the Legal Aid Agency
o      on money on an advance to us to fund a payment on the client’s behalf in excess of funds already held for              the client
o      where the total amount of interest calculated over the course of the matter is £50 or less. Where the interest          exceeds £50 we will pay that excess to the client and retain the first £50 as a contribution towards our                    administration costs of this policy.
o     otherwise, where there is an agreement to contract out of the provisions of our client interest policy.

If it is apparent that money held on the client’s behalf will need to be retained for some time, such money may need to be placed in a designated deposit account in which case all of the interest accruing while the funds are so invested will be paid to the client when the account is closed or on intermittent basis as agreed with the client.

Property & Commercial Conveyancing
Wills Trust & Probate

A Team of Experts that Offer Representation in Key Legal Areas

Ash Clifford is proud to have a dedicated and expert multidisciplinary team of qualified solicitors, which means we can assist you in all key legal areas professionally, swiftly, and competently. It is our goal to deliver affordable and exceptional legal advice that is easy to understand for our valued clients in Somerset. Our team of skilled and specialist local solicitors bring with them in-depth knowledge and a wealth of experience in dealing with an array of complex legal matters.

A Friendly Approach to Key Legal Areas in Taunton

We offer a full range of legal services for your day to day needs, including:

  • Commercial conveyancing
  • Wills, trust, and probate
  • Family and children’s law
  • Criminal law
  • Civil litigation
  • Personal injury

Contact us to find out more about our services.

Legal Services Data Protection Policy

Expert Legal Advice and Quality Representation in Somerset

Based in Bridgwater and serving Taunton and the County of Somerset, our local solicitors are committed to providing clear, practical, and comprehensive advice in all main legal areas. 

We are affiliated with the Legal Aid Agency as an assured firm and we also hold legal aid contracts for both family and criminal work. 

We are authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority, register number 614343. Above all, we aim to provide a friendly and approachable service and can offer out of hours appointments on request. 
Get in touch
If you need real and complete legal advice from approachable professionals, call us on 01278 451 327 to organise a consultation or for more information about our services.
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